This ELT Graded Reader is made for people learning English as an additional language. The short, simple text is also perfect for anyone looking for an easier read. It is an adapted version of the original story.
In this story Winston Smith re-writes history for the Ministry of Truth in Oceania. Big Brother and the Thought Police watch everyone for signs of Thought Crime. But when Winston falls in love with Julia, he begins to have new ideas and hopes. Winston and Julia start to q ...
Penguin Readers Level 7: Nineteen Eighty-Four (ELT Graded Reader)
Abridged Edition, Gekürzte Ausgabe
Orwell, George
Kartoniert, 128 S.
Sprache: Englisch
197 mm
ISBN-13: 978-0-241-43097-2
Titelnr.: 74912884
Gewicht: 117 g
Penguin Books UK (2020)
Penguin Random House UK
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